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Calvary Gardening Ministry

Calling on all gardeners!


We are so grateful that you have joined Calvary Gardening Ministry. Over the last several months, you have helped us brainstorm and shared your thoughts, talents, passions and experiences. Since we last met, a smaller
Steering Committee was created to help us organize and develop a plan both for the short and longer term.

Each member of the Steering Committee has answered God’s call to be part of this team. In God’s perfect way, He has brought together a team of people each with their own set of strengths, skills, talents and experiences.

Knowing that we can’t implement all of your ideas at the same time, we developed a plan with actionable short-term solutions. This will help us learn not only how to work together, but also develop repeatable, scalable processes to achieve the ultimate goal, mission and
vision of the Calvary Gardening Ministry.

“The goal of Calvary Gardening Ministry is to help feed the church and beyond, focusing on the “life cycle of food”,
teaching our community not only how to grow their own food, but also preserving it and its seeds.”

Again, the emphasis is on” teaching”. This year's focus is on gardening. We need active gardeners - who currently have access to land – plant a fall garden. We hope you can have plants in the ground by October 10. We have started seeds of fall crops and will be providing seedling boxes for small, medium and large gardening spaces along with growing guides, likely on October 8. Note that we have decided to plant crops that are healthy, nutritious and provide more calories than others, so you don’t go hungry. This is explained in more detail below.

Hopefully you have started to plan and prepare your fall garden by now. Because we couldn’t meet all your demand, some of you were not able to order seedling boxes this season but you still want to plant a garden on your own. We hope to be able to provide some guidance by sharing some of the best practices and processes that we used. For example, we used home-made sub-irrigated self-wicking trays for seed starting. So, keep reading!

We are also working on videos such as how to prepare a garden as well as growing guides and will set up a blog on our website where you can ask questions. So please check out our GardenShare website frequently for updates.

But we can’t do this on our own and we will need your help every step of the way. 

In the longer term, we will be looking for champions to help organize and teach us about composting, micro-greens, seed bank, traditional skills such as food preservation, canning, recipes, etc.

In the meantime, spread the word about what we are doing!

With God’s grace, we are healthy and alive!

 Join our Ministry via our contact form. Click here.

In Jesus name,

The Calvary Gardening Ministry